What is the Shutdown 315 Movement?
Edit: Because of the number of negative and discouraging comments that are counterproductive to the message of this post, I have decided to remove select comments that discourage organization. I apologize in advance if your comment is removed inadvertently.
I removed 32 comments.
They have nothing to do with the image but Workers Strike Back is having a conference to organize into a body that can make demands and negotiate in a general strike situation. They’re getting major Union leaders to attend (Amazon, UAW, etc) so the resulting org should actually have sway. But the conference is open to anyone and they’re welcoming anyone to join them. Info here: https://www.workersstrikeback.org/events/feb-2025-organizing-conference
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I’m not jazzed about that part either. I’m trying to support this simply for the potential it has for general strike. Nothing else.
Thank you for sharing. Know that at least one person has signed up for the livestream thanks to this :)