This question came into my mind yesterday, when I caught the smell of burning wires in my room. Turns out, my power supply’s fan was jammed by my pen’s ink cartridge (Don’t ask why)

  • @perfectly_boiled_pizza
    10 hours ago


    • If you ignored the smell, maybe your house would burn down.


    • If you for example tried to disassemble your power supply.

    Blunt trauma

    • If you have a big computer on a shelf it might fall and land on you.

    This is especially dangerous if you’re a data hoarder. It’s a slippery slope that can result in you scalping stuff like old DVRs for drives. Your computer might get very heavy.

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      I have 9 HDDs in mine and the fucker probably weighs 75lbs. It’s always fun when I need to carry it to the kitchen island to do maintenance on it.

    • @[email protected]
      310 hours ago

      I actually did #2 because I was fixing one. If you REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING and have ALL THE TOOLS AND PROCESSES NECESSARY and the power supply is worth a few hundred dollars, it MIGHT be worth it.

      Guess what? I still blew one up.

      Stay safe friends. Recycle it and buy a new one.

    • @davidgro
      412 hours ago

      The electrocution risk would actually last even after it’s unplugged: Power supplies can have big capacitors in them.