I know an outsourcing agency owner who spends $5K on Linkedin to find 1 client but I can’t spend that much money because I am just starting out. I didn’t keep in touch with him so I’m asking you instead.

When we talked he said I’d buy manhours for $20/hr in my country and sell for $30/hr in his country. He was a nice dude and said I should give it a try.

PS. I have a CS degree but I remember nothing. I got D from OOD course

  • @False
    79 hours ago

    If it was easy everyone would do it. Marketing and sales.

    • @amkseninOP
      18 hours ago

      Marketing and sales how?

    • @amkseninOP
      08 hours ago

      I am trying to come up with a plan I can execute. Execute can mean working for 1000 hours