All the naysayers were correct. Netflix is losing money and subscribers in North America.

Netflix did add subscribers, but not in the markets where they cracked down on password sharing. They added subscribers in countries where they don’t charge very much for subscriptions. So they didn’t make much money from the new subs.

  • Daniel Retana
    132 years ago

    @reddig33 For me Netflix was good until 2015 after that they started to cancel TV series with 2 or 3 seasons without a proper story closing. Then I moved to Prime Video which was good until 2021 when they canceled Bosch just to move its sequel to Freevee (free version of Prime Video with ads).
    Then again I moved to HBO, which has been nice (in terms of high quality content delivery) if it weren’t for the HBO+Discovery merger. Which brings high “quality” content like the Kardashians.

    • 1chemistdown
      52 years ago

      That HBO discovery merger is a shit show. Love HBO. Now they’re making it harder to find stuff or outright pulling it off the site. But relentless trash can be found on the front splash page.

      • Daniel Retana
        2 years ago

        @1chemistdown @reddig33 In my case I’m safe, for now, the merger isn’t coming to latin america until October. So I still have time to watch some TV series and movies before the real shit show begins.
        After October 1st. I’m canceling HBO and probably saving to money to spending it in games. Also I’m not going to lie Humble Choice subscription looks really tempting to me. I pay for the games, I keep the games on my account even if I cancel it (the subscription).