• @confusedbytheBasics
    681 month ago

    Biden obeys law and honored his oath so it’s apples to oranges.

    • @[email protected]
      521 month ago

      The Supreme Court literally told him that it was impossible for the President to break the law while he was in office

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        But then they made lawfulness a subject for Supreme Court review, so only Republicans can be absolute despots. And Biden is a risk-averse institutionalist who would never consider extreme measures (like sending all the corrupt Supreme Court justices to Gitmo).

      • HubertManne
        71 month ago

        of course not. hes not going to be a precedent so later they say see its fine because biden did it. Man people love these damned if they do, damed if they don’t situations to call out the eternal badguy. I want to know if he still beats his wife?

        • @pyre
          151 month ago

          wow I’m so glad he didn’t set a precedent; that must be why the fascist that came after him so strictly goes by the book now.

          I’d like to have what you’re having.

            • JordanFireStar
              61 month ago

              Sometimes it is necessary for the long term good of humanity. Saying ‘we can’t use authoritarianism to beat authoritarians’ is the logic that got the nazis in power in Germany. The nazis should have been crushed early on, but instead liberals just kept appeasing them.

            • @pyre
              21 month ago

              crushing fascism is not authoritarian.

          • HubertManne
            01 month ago

            what im saying is if he did he would be getting so much shit for having done so and very likely by the same types bitching about him not. its a classic damned if you do damned if you don’t. he would then be responsible for every use of it after him by certain types.

            • @pyre
              21 month ago

              that only matters if you care about your dumbass legacy more than the future of the country, which he certainly did, which is why he sought reelection in the first place.

              • HubertManne
                11 month ago

                unless he did it in case alls that matters is caring about the rule of law and the future of the country rather than his dumbass legacy. cause then doing it was about his legacy but now not doing it was about his legacy. either way did it all for him or his kind and did the wrong thing.