Looking for anyone with experience with helping pick out hearing aides. It’s hard for him to describe what he doesn’t like about them so I can’t provide much in the way of specific issues. One thing he has said was that they change how loud some things are compared to how they should be which I think he means they will make certain pitches louder than other pitches so something like setting spoon on glass plate will be loud but the sound of a low voiced man talking is quiet when normally the low voices are the only ones he can hear. He is the typical old geezer so it’s easier to list all the numbers in Pi than it is to get him to a doctors office.

We have tried 2 different very expensive aids costing thousands each, we tried the new apple ones, he tried countless magazine ads hearing aids and doesn’t like any of them. He’s a very straight forward man so it’s not his way of getting around using them or that he’s embarrassed. He wants to find a pair he likes but he is also a very picky man who was a mechanical engineer so I feel like his expectations can be a little high sometimes for things to be perfect.

Just thought I’d see what other people’s experiences were with hearing aides and if there’s anything anyone can recommend.

  • @MrEff
    101 month ago

    Totally agree. In the US- Real ear verification is actually required by law in several states. Unfortunately the laws about it are a little gray on details, but they at least require it.

    Trial periods are also required by law in every state, but the time period varies. When I was in Texas it was 30 days, which is the minimum several states have. A few state offer longer periods.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      My post was long so I failed to but thanks for mentioning mandatory trials. They’re definitely a huge factor and something we do here across the pond too.