For real, name another thousands of years old book people try to apply to modern life everyday. It is definitely on the level of mental illness to do this.
It is also a giant catch-22. If you go to church every weekend and believe in God with all your heart you can’t go and tell your congregation that God speaks to you. Even they will know you are crazy. It isn’t real and everyone except the truly crazy know this in their hearts.
People can congregate, create community, and love each other without an imaginary sky daddy telling them to. Morality comes from our social contract with each other not a dusty old book. It is and always will be about social control dictated by man, not God.
I just wish the amount of non religious people in North America was at least even. But it’s not, like 90 percent of people in North American are just nuts and believe in one form or another literal magic. edit: I guess it’s more like 30-35 percent non affiliated in North America. That’s still too low for me though.
For real, name another thousands of years old book people try to apply to modern life everyday. It is definitely on the level of mental illness to do this.
It is also a giant catch-22. If you go to church every weekend and believe in God with all your heart you can’t go and tell your congregation that God speaks to you. Even they will know you are crazy. It isn’t real and everyone except the truly crazy know this in their hearts.
People can congregate, create community, and love each other without an imaginary sky daddy telling them to. Morality comes from our social contract with each other not a dusty old book. It is and always will be about social control dictated by man, not God.
I just wish the amount of non religious people in North America was at least even. But it’s not, like 90 percent of people in North American are just nuts and believe in one form or another literal magic. edit: I guess it’s more like 30-35 percent non affiliated in North America. That’s still too low for me though.