I was searching some informations about OLL probabilities and found that on SpeedSolving forum from a British guy (Mark Rivers):
Here is a list of all the OLL shapes, ordered by the average number of moves they save compared to solving the same cases with 2-look OLL. Learning full OLL in this order is a good idea because the ones nearer the top will cut more time off your solves, on average.
10.00 Stealth
8.50 Squares
8.13 Dots (1/54)
7.50 T shapes
7.31 Small lightning bolts
6.67 P shapes
6.00 Kites
5.88 C shapes
5.58 L shapes
5.56 Knight moves
5.38 Fishes (excluding kites)
5.25 Big lightning bolts
4.25 H
4.13 I shapes
3.81 Dots (rare)
3.44 Awkward
2.63 W shapes
In fact, learning just the top 15 OLL algs delivers 42% of the total move savings of learning full OLL, so if you only want to learn some of it, those are the ones to go for.
If I learn OLL one day, I think I’ll memorize cases in this order, it’s smart.
The original post is here.
If you don’t have an account on SpeedSolving forum but you’re curious…
You can download here pdf who made Mark Rivers:
Top-Third OLLs
all OLLs Ranking