• @emmy67
    65 hours ago

    In nazi Germany they had a name for those who kept their heads down and tried to survive the shitstorm. They were called Nazis.

    • merde alors
      21 hour ago

      not true. You should read what’s written back then

      not all Germans were considered NAZIs. Heck, not all Germans were even considered Germans.

      Why is everything black/white with lemmings?

    • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
      22 hours ago

      To be fair, you shouldn’t call everyone a nazi.

      My grandparents ran away from the Japanese soldiers during the Japanese Invasion of China. Most of their village doesn’t consider them “collaborators” or “汉奸” (Han-Traitor). They did what they had to to survive. Fleeing from conflict is not the same as collaboration. Those who fled from the Taliban shouldn’t be labeled as “Islamic Extremists”. Ukranians who fled the draft shouldn’t be labeled as “Russian Sympathizers”.

      But that’s only for individuals, civillians, not corporations or politicians. Google definitely has no excuses. But the point I’m trying to make is: unless someone actually help the fascists, they shouldn’t be labeled as “nazis”. It’s not morally wrong to give in to human survival instincts and run away from conflict. If Anne Frank successfully fled nazi Germany, you wouldn’t call her a “nazi”, right?

    • @dustyb0tt0mz
      -75 hours ago

      ooo. somebody’s looking to score some upvotes for their virtue signaling.

      well, i’ll tell ya what boss… how about you get out there and start killing nazi’s then. otherwise you are one (by your own reasoning)

      • @emmy67
        04 hours ago

        That’s what a nazi would say.

        Don’t worry, I’m already on the case.

        • @dustyb0tt0mz
          -54 hours ago


          and if you’re implying that i’m the problem, then by all means, come and get me. i’d love to give you a lesson in getting shit done.