As a christian. My ideal number of hours teaching christian ideology in public school is: Zero.
The moment you start teaching faith in PUBLIC SCHOOL… you are using Stat apparatus to favor one faith above others.
Faith is a deeply personal thing that the family should teach as they wish how they wish. It is not the state’s fucking business.
Says so in the constitution.
These people just want another means of control and conformity. This whole ‘leaving school grounds’ is just kabuki theatire to get around the matter. It’s still making school time. Relegious time.’
Not even that. This is attempting to give moral excuse for Othering people. Y’know. Groups that have no power or ability to properly fight back instead of the robber barons and oligarchs that are in the process of dismantling everything.
As a christian. My ideal number of hours teaching christian ideology in public school is: Zero.
The moment you start teaching faith in PUBLIC SCHOOL… you are using Stat apparatus to favor one faith above others.
Faith is a deeply personal thing that the family should teach as they wish how they wish. It is not the state’s fucking business.
Says so in the constitution.
These people just want another means of control and conformity. This whole ‘leaving school grounds’ is just kabuki theatire to get around the matter. It’s still making school time. Relegious time.’
Fuck. That.
Religion is between the person and god. Not between those in power and the people. This is a blatant attempt at mass conversion.
Not even that. This is attempting to give moral excuse for Othering people. Y’know. Groups that have no power or ability to properly fight back instead of the robber barons and oligarchs that are in the process of dismantling everything.