I’ve started replying “ok, dozer” to anyone who complains about “wholeness” to me. The ennui I have with the regressives is just beyond description anymore.
I like dozer because it not only suggests they’re asleep, but it also suggests bulldozer, which is what the people they voted for are doing to the country and world.
I’ve started replying “ok, dozer” to anyone who complains about “wholeness” to me. The ennui I have with the regressives is just beyond description anymore.
I like this word to describe those responsible for us all going backwards now: regressives.
I’m going to start using this
what do you mean by complaining about wholeness?
Autocorrect for ‘wokeness’?
oh of course. I’m dumb.
Dozer sounds too cool, now bout nappers? It sounds like the british word for diapers
I like dozer because it not only suggests they’re asleep, but it also suggests bulldozer, which is what the people they voted for are doing to the country and world.