So been thinking of what to play for my first run through of Baldurs Gate 3 when released. I will be streaming it, so looking for something entertaining, I I think I have come up with something that sings… :)

Half-Elf Drow rogue ( to get the drow hate, or maybe dragonborn… not decided fully) for the first 2 levels then switching to Bard. Or maybe Bard then switch to Rogue… not sure yet. Only 2 levels or Rogue in total. Of course there is no other choice but going with Dark Urge!!!

What is your first Character going to be, have you decided yet?

  • @pyrflie
    1 year ago

    If you are looking to get the most out of your multi Rogue 2 (Cunning Action) doesn’t do much for Bard as they already have a lot going on with their Bonus Action. Rogue 1 (Expertise) or Thief Rogue 3 (Second Bonus Action) would be more optimal if you really want to focus as a Skill Monkey. The down side of the later is the loss of Magical Secrets.

    That said Warlock 2 would probably be just as good, if not better, than either of those depending on which invocations you choose. Agonizing Blast would be a given, but Beguiling Influence, Mask of Many Faces, and Beast Speech would all be strong contenders for the second.

    One final thing to note for your Expertise selections, since tool proficiencies haven’t been implemented Sleight of Hand covers Lockpicking and Trap Disarming in addition to Pickpocketing making it one of the best choices.

    Edit: For my first run I’m torn between Ancients Paladin 6/Archfey Bladelock 6 and Gloomstalker Ranger 5/Thief Rogue 3/Spores Druid 4.

    • talungOP
      11 year ago

      I was mainly thinking for the extra expertise I can put in sleight of hand, stealth + the back stabbiness of the rogue… all at really level 1. Not really much for bard at 11 and 12 tbh.

      I was thinking of Warlock, but decided to go for Rogue for the lockpick thing, as the bard will then replace rogue in party. Warlock might be the stronger DPS, but I need ALL the lewts. :)

      Bard is versatile front man, that’s Why I like it. I just think the Rogue will “complete” it for me. Well, at least that is my thoughts for the choice… too many options lol.