Had some fairly bad glitches on the previous version with Wayland, and the 570 drivers are supposed to fix them. Is anyone already rocking 570 from rpm fusion, or is it still in beta?
Had some fairly bad glitches on the previous version with Wayland, and the 570 drivers are supposed to fix them. Is anyone already rocking 570 from rpm fusion, or is it still in beta?
Build history of the driver: https://koji.rpmfusion.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=365
I can see they built it, not sure if they released it yet.
Do “dnf search nvidia-kmod”.
Cheers for that! It looks like it’s been built for Fedora 42 and 43, but not 41 yet, unfortunately.
@that_leaflet @ProdigalFrog
Su Fedora 41 installare Nvidia 390xx un vero problema, infatti lo tolta dal Pc, ora funziona benissimo senza scheda Nvidia!
Out of curiosity, what model Nvidia card did you have? If it’s installing 390xx, that would suggest it is an older card.
@ProdigalFrog esatto troppo vecchia e passa in xorg, ho tolto la scheda fedora funziona benissimo senza nvidia.