Everyone tells me they wouldn’t do that but I know better than to trust the powers that be with my life and health. I heard about something called SR17018 that might be some kind of replacement or possibly a way to quit but I can’t find much on how it can be used in these ways, although I do have a source. I also have a couple huge bottles of vitamin c, for something called “the vitamin c method” which may or may not help with withdrawals. Any other ideas or steps people are taking besides stockpiling? I could never stockpile enough honestly. Any help appreciated, this is the biggest obstacle to survival for me if the collapse happens any time soon at all.
Less than helpful advice probably, but the only way to truly be independent it to wean yourself off of the chemical dependencyThis is an L comment and deserves the downvotes.
Thank you for the edit. Yes it was less than helpful, it was an obvious and patronizing statement, and I appreciate your willingness to analyze what you said and quickly admit that it wasn’t cool.
Yeah no shit buddy. What do you think they’re doing?
Thank you.
Good on you for reflecting and owning up to it. Genuinely.