And Eternals isn’t even that bad. Its pacing is atrocious and it has way too many characters, but the story is solid and some moments are really great (anything with the Celestials). It would have been a much better experience as a miniseries devoting each episode to the backstory of one Eternal.
And Eternals isn’t even that bad. Its pacing is atrocious and it has way too many characters, but the story is solid and some moments are really great (anything with the Celestials). It would have been a much better experience as a miniseries devoting each episode to the backstory of one Eternal.
That’s the exact same criticism I would give Brave New World. The Leader especially needed time for his plot to grow.
Tap for spoiler
He just kept jumping around, he shows up at the secret base and kills that guy, perfect timing.
He kills an admiral for some reason.
He turns himself in to Sam for some reason.
I think the Leader as the big bad works better if he’s in the background causing chaos. Make it difficult to know if it’s really him.