This was one of the most fun threads in the old place. Any grievances you’d like to air?

  • th3dogcow
    92 years ago

    I know we are all experiencing it. But I’ll just go ahead and say it: inflation sucks!

    I used to love doing the weekly shop. But now it’s so depressing. It’s always a game of which products has shrink/changed ingredients/become total ass. Margarine is down 20g. Cheese is a completely different blend. Anpanman bread sticks are missing a stick. And so on. Do they think we wouldn’t notice? But what choice do we have?

    Also, with the latest events in Ukraine flour and related products are bound to go up in price. But salaries…

    • @Zealous
      72 years ago

      You might be interested in this site

      It keeps track of the prices / size changes of popular products and restaurants

      • th3dogcow
        12 years ago

        Thanks. I had seen that some time ago but had completely forgotten about it!