Father of 2. Both under 4. I reckon the first year is the hardest for any child. You give up a lot but once 6 months is over they sleep in their own bed, have consistent naps and routine you can start to do more.
If you have a supportive partner you can balance personal stuff to fill your cup too. The one thing a lot of parents forget is they need to maintain selfcare as well. Can be a lot harder if you don’t earn much. I was lucky enough to be a stay at home dad for 6 months with the second one. Really miss it actually now she is approaching 2 and has become her own little person.
Father of 2. Both under 4. I reckon the first year is the hardest for any child. You give up a lot but once 6 months is over they sleep in their own bed, have consistent naps and routine you can start to do more.
If you have a supportive partner you can balance personal stuff to fill your cup too. The one thing a lot of parents forget is they need to maintain selfcare as well. Can be a lot harder if you don’t earn much. I was lucky enough to be a stay at home dad for 6 months with the second one. Really miss it actually now she is approaching 2 and has become her own little person.