Audiobooks, e-Books, Paper, etc.?

  • @kadu
    161 year ago

    eBooks for sure.

    Don’t get me wrong - absolutely nothing beats the feeling of paper. But if I have my Kindle, I read everyday. If I need to worry about carrying and taking care of a physical book… I read sometimes.

    I’m also spoiled by having quick dictionary access, saving quotes, etc.

    If it’s a very special book I’ll buy the physical edition though, just for having it on my shelf.

    • Kevin Rogers
      61 year ago

      @kadu @ArmoredCavalry To be honest, the main thing that bothers me about eBooks is that it doesn’t support my local bookstore. I tend to buy eBooks from Amazon because it is convenient (yes, I know there are other options, but I admit to laziness here). Local, independent bookstores are a precious resource and I will be mad at myself when they are gone. I will look at the hundreds of books on my Kindle and feel guilty.

      • ArmoredCavalryOP
        41 year ago

        That’s a really good point, I love any visit to local bookstores (especially when visiting new areas). I should really get into the habit of making some form of purchase whenever I visit one. If nothing else, just to help keep them afloat!

        • Kevin Rogers
          41 year ago

          @ArmoredCavalry Amen!

          Once they are gone, they aren’t coming back. My best friend works in our local bookstore and I rarely need a book right away…but I’m embarrassed to say that I give into the temptation of convenience far too often and order from Amazon. That bookstore has been there all my life and it would be a big loss to the community if it went away.