I know some people still swear by their old iPods or film cameras. For me it’s a 15 year old Western Digital external HDD. Do you have any older gadgets or tech that you refuse to let go of?

  • @[email protected]
    44 days ago

    I will never get rid of my modded N3DSXL (with clit-joystick replaced with a PSP joystick!), my modded PSP, or my modded Vita.

    I should play New Leaf. I’ve never played it before and I hear it’s the best one.

    • @maxalmonte14
      34 days ago

      My girlfriend is just getting into videogames, she started playing New Leaf recently and always send me videos of the stuff she unlocks, I only played the DS one, but gotta say, New Leaf sure looks fun.

      • @[email protected]
        34 days ago

        Awesome, I’ll for sure check it out! Just have to remember how to download games to my and my partner’s DSes hahaha

        I’ve played the GameCube one and the Switch one, but everyone I’ve talked to said the Switch one is a downgrade from New Leaf!

        • ElectricMachman
          14 days ago

          It’s better for making a pretty island or a nicely-decorated house. And the vault pole is a real benefit early on, before you can build bridges. Otherwise, NL really is the better game.