Midweek Magic on Arena is Momir this week. I’ve never played it before, and I’m not sure if I’m doing it optimally.

I’ve had multiple opponents just pass turn for the first few turns, and I’m wondering if they’re just confused or if there’s a strategy I’m not seeing. It seems worth it to use the emblem every turn if you’re not doing anything else, right?

  • @Magisterial_Odor
    22 years ago

    If you play a land and use the emblem to discard every turn, you can run out of cards eventually, and the 7-drops in the Momir pool (for example) mostly provide better value than, say, the 1-drops. At least that used to be the case when the decks only had lands. Now the decks have some non-land cards, and if some of them help you draw (can’t remember which cards are in there), maybe it doesn’t make as much sense to pass early.

    • @jake_ericOP
      22 years ago

      I didn’t run into any card draw cards in the deck, but there were a few removal spells and some other various stuff like a couple buff spells. There’s probably a halfway decent chance you’ll get at least one random creature that provides at least some kind of card advantage, too.

      I used the emblem every turn and never ran out of cards; I might have eventually but the games didn’t last that long. Building the board early game seemed worth it. I could see passing turn 1 though. Thanks for the advice!