hi, in Firefox v.136 the sound button seems totally reworked and I can’t get a right way to style that button, or maybe my knowledge is insignificant. I tried this way but works only for English language, I guess I should add an entry for each language ans that seems inefficient:
button[aria-label="Mute tab"] .button-background {
/* my code */
In the firefox code they use ::part(button)
and that don’t works in userChrome.css:
.tab-audio-button {
#tabbrowser-tabs:is([orient="vertical"][expanded], [orient="horizontal"]) &:not([pinned]):not([crashed]) {
&[soundplaying]::part(button) {
There is a way to solve this or it is impossible?
CSS variables go through from the shadow host to the elements inside. So you can do stuff like this:
.tab-audio-button[muted]{ --my-custom-image: url("muted.png"); } .tab-audio-button[soundplaying]{ --my-custom-image: url("sound.png"); } .button-background{ background-image: var(--my-custom-image) !important; }
Thank you so much, so now all the rules needs to be variables, I don’t understand very well but it seems to work:
/* Normal tabs - Muted icon */ .tab-audio-button[muted] { --my-position: absolute !important; --my-top: calc(var(--tab-height-personal)/2 - 14px) !important; --my-inset-inline-start: 14px !important; --my-background-image: url("../icons/paused.svg") !important; --my-background-color: transparent !important; --my-background-size: 12px !important; --my-box-shadow: none !important; --my-fill: var(--lwt-tab-text) !important; --my-opacity: 0.8 !important; --my-clip-path: xywh(1px 1px 86% 86% round 50%) !important; &:hover { --my-background-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/tabbrowser/tab-audio-blocked-small.svg") !important; --my-background-size: 8px !important; --my-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--contrast-color), inset 0 0 0 2px var(--lwt-tab-text) !important; --my-fill: var(--lwt-tab-text) !important; --my-opacity: 1 !important; } } .button-background { position: var(--my-position) !important; top: var(--my-top) !important; inset-inline-start: var(--my-inset-inline-start) !important; background-image: var(--my-background-image) !important; background-color: var(--my-background-color) !important; background-size: var(--my-background-size) !important; box-shadow: var(--my-box-shadow) !important; opacity: var(--my-opacity) !important; fill: var(--my-fill) !important; clip-path: var(--my-clip-path) !important; }