Hello everybody,
What is the company and corporation that is the object of your hate? What did/do they do to get that spot for you?
Mine is Facebook/Meta for their egregious data collection policies, psychological manipulation of its users, and more recently, them not seeding content.
Thanks in advance for your time! Have a good one!
Lemmy seems to have a very strong voice for pushing people towards Linux… But I don’t hear nearly enough about ditching Google and other mega-corps. I started Degoogling long ago and have been really happy with the result. There are lots of alternatives and there’s no reason to stick with Google the way people do. Your description of half-baked shitty products is their hallmark. Their bloody search doesn’t even work well anymore and that’s what the whole business got launched on.
Lemmy please strongly considering De-googling. It’s quite easy for almost all services.
As a teacher, I also strongly reccomend degoogling. Google flagrantly ignores FERPA. The private info of students is safer with Microsoft of all things, but traditional Windows laptop can’t compete with the cheap-ass Chromebook which means schools are quickly switching to the Google ecosystem.
Holy, don’t get me started on ChromeOS.
I have seen more guides for ditching Google on Lemmy in the past few months than I’ve seen in the past decade across all the internet. I guarantee you you can find hundreds of posts here with people detailing how to do it or their own experience doing so. The problem isn’t Lemmy, it’s the communities you are subscribed to.
Edit: I also think you’re underestimating how hard it can be, in particular Google calendar. So many other people use it it’s hard to leave it unless you have some pipeline to convert calendar shares to your new calendar system that also allows it to consistently update. That’s the one that I’ve found the hardest time dropping. Email and gdrive were relatively easy once i sat down and did it.
Google maps is also tricky. I like organic maps but it is not nearly as robust and Apple/Waze are lateral moves