Residents of Alberta seem to be the most open to the concept of Canada joining the US as a new state, an idea US President Donald Trump has repeatedly floated over the past couple of months.

A new poll conducted by Research Co. on tariffs in Canada asked whether respondents were on board with the notion of initiating a formal process for Canada to become an American state, and Alberta led the pack in being the most responsive to it.

Alberta leads Canada in support of joining the United States, with 12% of respondents saying they would “definitely consider it,” followed by 7% saying they would “probably consider it.”

  • @[email protected]
    114 days ago

    As a Conservative, rural Albertan; I very much do not agree with anyone who thinks we should forfeit our sovereignty and join the US.

    Anyone who supports that idea simply because they dislike the current state of our nation need to man up and fight to restore our country. Adapt to the changing geopolitical landscape and become less reliant a single trading partner, resist the woke lunacy, and focus on OUR COUNTRY. Not just b!tch out, lay down and give up on our sovereignty.