I would love a program where I can browse the world and see countries, cities, oceans, all fully labeled (preferably in English which I speak, but a dual English+local native script would also be good). It would be all the nicer if there were stats and facts and some representative photos and stuff to learn a little about different places, without needing to dive into a full Wikipedia article.

Basically, what I’m hoping for is like a modern MS Encarta Atlas, but offline and good.

As for web options, Google Maps, unfortunately, works really well. But I despise Google. OpenStreetMaps doesn’t have all that extra data, it is just a map. What are the options available, if any?

  • ...m...
    7 hours ago

    …if you’re into paper books (and a hefty table) the DK complete world atlas includes a lot of geographic information, or if you prefer a dryer, more-authoritative presentation, the times world atlas is the grandaddy of the format…

    …it looks like DK also offers a digital version of their previous editon

    (i have the millenium editions of both atlases, and they’re both fantastic tomes, but i think the DK complete atlas is more of what you’re looking for)