Whether accumulating tabs is a mental illness or not, I don’t know, but I usually keep about 40 tabs open, organized into groups.
I thought I was a tab hoarder until I found a forum where several people were commenting that they keep over 100, and even over 300 tabs open. One person said they had over a thousand tabs open and was complaining that some tab managers were crashing.
Whether accumulating tabs is a mental illness or not, I don’t know, but I usually keep about 40 tabs open, organized into groups.
I thought I was a tab hoarder until I found a forum where several people were commenting that they keep over 100, and even over 300 tabs open. One person said they had over a thousand tabs open and was complaining that some tab managers were crashing.
I think you’re in the clear. Hundreds of tabs seems like stacking newspapers in your house. Thousands of tabs is concerning.