Let’s get things started! 1990 Golf, CE1. It’s mainly OEM+ right now, but I have a 1.8t (AWW) with an 02j that will go in it eventually. We’ve had it for 6 years and it’s been a great car!

  • @AoxoMoxoA
    25 days ago

    I’m a cave man, your strange ways scare and confuse me …I only own a computer to rip Grateful Dead CD’s so I can put them on my Zune. I actually baught a second to run VCDS and needed help with that. Reddit and now Lemmy are the only social media I’ve ever been involved with.

    I will have to stop in the FedEx store, it’s the only way that makes sense to my cro-mag brain 😅

    • @ThatRoccoOP
      24 days ago

      Haha no worries. You just reminded me I still have my Zune tucked away in storage. I should dig it out and get it running again The great thing about VCDS is the MASSIVE community and a wealth of knowledge available on the ross-tech forum, so you should be able to get the hang of it without too much trouble!