• @grue
    544 days ago

    Huh, weird. When I heard about those firings (without knowing the demographics of the people involved), I figured Trump was purging the officers who might prioritize their oaths to the Constitution over fealty to his dictatorial regime. It’s almost sort of reassuring, in a comprehensively fucked-up way, if it was “just” an act of petty bigotry instead.

    (I suppose it’s also possible that being willing to betray their oath for Trump could just happen to correlate 100% perfectly with race and gender, but I would be really surprised if that were the case. Surely at least one of the white guys is a genuine patriot, right?)

    • @disguy_ovahea
      574 days ago

      It’s both.

      He replaced Brown with Caine, a man who was quoted as saying, “I will kill for you.” Caine also wore a MAGA hat in uniform, which is against military regulations, showing he puts Trump over his oath.

    • @[email protected]
      94 days ago

      Some white guys, I assume, are good people. 😉

      With a sample size of 6 chosen decidedly not at random this is not THAT difficult a correlation to exist. We can hope that one of them stands up to Trump, but I wouldn’t bet on it.