So been thinking of what to play for my first run through of Baldurs Gate 3 when released. I will be streaming it, so looking for something entertaining, I I think I have come up with something that sings… :)

Half-Elf Drow rogue ( to get the drow hate, or maybe dragonborn… not decided fully) for the first 2 levels then switching to Bard. Or maybe Bard then switch to Rogue… not sure yet. Only 2 levels or Rogue in total. Of course there is no other choice but going with Dark Urge!!!

What is your first Character going to be, have you decided yet?

    • Coelacanth
      11 year ago

      I had hoped to avoid mods on the first playthrough (especially potentially balance breaking ones like these), but it’s comforting to know they exist. Thank you for the heads up!