yay for infinite nothingness! (Except that infinite stretches of time in a probability-oriented universe tend to lead to funny effects down the road and even the most remote chances of literally anything possible happening practically become 100% instantaneously when dealing with such time-spans, so more likely than not, the moment you die you wake up in some entirely new, equally improbable and inscrutable type of reality with no memory of what happened before, and there’s no guarantee that such an experience will be better or worse than your present one. I mean, it happened at least once before that we know of, so it stands to reason this is normal.)
yay for infinite nothingness! (Except that infinite stretches of time in a probability-oriented universe tend to lead to funny effects down the road and even the most remote chances of literally anything possible happening practically become 100% instantaneously when dealing with such time-spans, so more likely than not, the moment you die you wake up in some entirely new, equally improbable and inscrutable type of reality with no memory of what happened before, and there’s no guarantee that such an experience will be better or worse than your present one. I mean, it happened at least once before that we know of, so it stands to reason this is normal.)