class Node:
def __init__(self, edges = set()):
self.edges = edges
def main():
foo = Node()
bar = Node()
quz = Node()
assert(foo is not bar) # assertion succeeds
assert(foo is not quz) # assertion succeeds
assert(bar is not quz) # assertion succeeds
assert(len(quz.edges) == 0) # assertion fails??
Mutable default values are shared across objects. The set in this case.
Oh I had a similar bug but with defaulted dicts. Default args are constructed once and reused. Not a problem for immutable args, but mutables like dicts (and sets I’d also assume) are all shared.
EDIT: whoops, didn’t see you spoilered the answer, my bad! If it helps, i found my bug when dealing with cross-thread stuff, so that was a fun moment to bisect
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. Pass the constructor a factory function to be run when a key is missing.dd = defaultdict(list) dd['key'].append("value") print(dd['key']) # ["value"]
Ah sorry I meant a default argument which was a dict, thanks for the tip tho!