My kitchen knives have got to the point where daily honing or stropping no longer gets them as sharp as I’d like. I can sharpen them myself on whetstones but don’t have the free time to sort out a dozen or so knives.

Additionally I have a chef’s knife that’s absolutely buggered (it was my mothers, she tried to cut a frozen salmon with it, buckled the edge, chipped the edge, and then dropped it on the floor, in surprise, and bent the tip). It has little monetary value but huge sentimental value (she died during the COVID years and this was her favourite knife).

How have people found knife sharpening and repair services? Ideally UK based, with actual recommendations, but I’m open to experiences from further afield.

Many thanks, in advance!

  • Twinklebreeze
    45 days ago

    Your story about your mother gave me a chuckle.