The clearest legislative priority of the Trump administration and the Republican-led Congress is to keep taxes low for the richest households and corporations. Last week, House Republicans submitted a budget resolution that calls for $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid—the program that provides health insurance for low-income Americans—to help pay for extending the 2017 Tax…
Fascists aren’t smart.
That’s why fascism always ends up failing and fascists always end up swinging.
The two biggest examples of fascism in history - Mussolini’s Italy and Nazi Germany - went down because they were defeated militarily by a much stronger power, the United States. I suppose you could blame Hitler’s and Mussolini’s stupidity directly for picking a fight with that much stronger power, but if you’re thinking this trend does not bode well for the current fascists, who is the much stronger military power that they’re going to stupidly pick a fight with and be defeated by? Hitler and Mussolini were absolutely never defeated by internal resistance, even in the face of obvious military catastrophe and around-the-clock bombing of civilian populations.