When questioned about a growing measles outbreak in West Texas that has claimed at least one life, Health & Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told reporters “we have measles outbreaks every year.”

  • @SamboT
    21 day ago

    I was with you in your other comments and then you had to generalize an entire population of people. Hivemind idiots on the internet doesnt mean you can do that.

    • John Richard
      16 hours ago

      Not every Democrat is a hivemind idiot, but a big enough percentage that It contributed to their loss. Harris was one as well. Biden, “you ain’t black” definitely.

      • @SamboT
        416 hours ago

        You have no idea the distribution of idiocy between Republicans and Democrats give me a break. Its all vibe based on your specific newsfeed.

        With a constantly changing narrative for each party im not sure how people even associate themselves with either party outside of voting for president/congress/senate. The more specific you get the more irrelevant it becomes.