Hasn’t happened here on Lemmy, but whenever I would comment on Reddit that I don’t like alcohol or hanging out with drunk people, I would get some toxic-ass bullshit replies acting like I said I was pro-prohibition and wanted to take their precious alcohol away from them.
LOL. I love how it’s framed as an “alcohol-free lifestyle.”
Sobriety is the default, not a lifestyle. The “lifestyle” is when you make drinking and getting drunk a part of your routine and identity.
When I came out to my grandparents as bisexual, they said “whatever makes you happy”.
When I came out to them as trans, we agreed “you gotta do what you gotta do”.
When I told them I was stopping drinking, my grandmother emailed me the next day, “This is a big lifestyle decision. Have you thought about this?”
Hasn’t happened here on Lemmy, but whenever I would comment on Reddit that I don’t like alcohol or hanging out with drunk people, I would get some toxic-ass bullshit replies acting like I said I was pro-prohibition and wanted to take their precious alcohol away from them.