[Jury Nullification] is when the jury in a criminal trial gives a verdict of not guilty even though they think a defendant has broken the law. The jury’s reasons may include the belief that the law itself is unjust

Until the wealthy and powerful are held to account, why punish your fellow everyday citizens? Use your brain. Decide if what they’re charging people with is suppression or actually keeping society safe.

When those prosecutors start losing these cases, maybe they will start to rethink who they are focusing on.

    • @[email protected]
      18 hours ago

      you can say you show bias towards the case, by citing any reasons, you will get strike from the juror pool most of the time .additionally, they dont even pay you well for your time, you can easily lose alot money a day for not working your job, in alot of places they can pay you a pittance of 5-15/day, in cali its 15 only a day. theres also the issue that your job will not look kindly for missing a lot of days.(despite what the law says the employee cant retaliate) they can do other things.

    • Dragon
      -41 day ago

      Apparently you can get in trouble for lying on those questionnaires

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        391 day ago

        Who would know that you lied? There’s a reason “I do not recall” is a popular answer in court; The courts can’t prove that you remember something, because it’s entirely subjective. Without being mind readers, there’s no way for them to prove that you know something.

        • Dragon
          71 day ago

          I guess it depends how far they wanted to go to investigate you. Theoretically they could try to find your social media history, etc.

          • @[email protected]
            1 day ago

            Remember that lie detectors are absolute bullshit pseudoscience, just like trained drug dogs.

            • @[email protected]
              161 day ago

              To elaborate for anyone reading this who doesn’t know:

              Dogs are really good at noticing emotion in humans, better than they are at noticing the scent of contraband. When an officer wants a dog to alert, the dog picks up on it and alerts, even when there’s nothing there.

              There was even a study where they would have a dog try to find out which packages had drugs in. When the officer was fooled, the dog was significantly more likely to be fooled too than when trying to fool only the dog. The officers responded by refusing to continue the experiment.

              • @[email protected]
                81 day ago

                I’m not doubting you, in fact I really, really want to believe you, but do you happen to have any links? It sucks that proof doesn’t change minds online, but that sounds like good reading regardless

                • @[email protected]
                  217 hours ago

                  I learned this from the paw patrol copaganda video on youtube, which does site sources, so you can go from there.