So far, here’s my list:
- Brad the Guitologist: went crazy
- Rick Beato: abusive to his kid
- AvE: Canadian Trumper
- Gavin McInnes: leader of the Proud Boys
Others I found that I’d like some backstory on:
- boogie2988
- Jack Doherty
- All the Paul’s (Jake, Logan etc…) no backstory needed here. Fuck Jake Paul!
- SSSniperwolf
- masteroogway
- YouTube kids channels
- Cody Kos
- Lankybox
- Speed mcqueen
I don’t know anything about any of these people. The only thing I want to comment on here, was it an ectopic pregnancy, or was she forced by him to get an abortion? Because I’m not sure you can fault someone for not wanting their partner to die. If it was really ectopic, keeping it would be a death sentence.
So is he an asshole who forced her to get an abortion? Or did he push her to not end her life for a pregnancy that could never be viable?