So far, here’s my list:

Others I found that I’d like some backstory on:

  • boogie2988
  • Jack Doherty
  • All the Paul’s (Jake, Logan etc…) no backstory needed here. Fuck Jake Paul!
  • SSSniperwolf
  • masteroogway
  • YouTube kids channels
  • Cody Kos
  • Lankybox
  • Speed mcqueen
  • @[email protected]
    345 minutes ago

    Ryan Haywood from Rooster Teeth was fired after a number of allegations that he was cheating on his wife with fans. These allegations also included statutory rape and sexual assault. Some evidence was provided to corroborate the allegations. Rooster Teeth removed some videos involving him and publicly distanced themselves from him. He tried to make a comeback on Twitch and got a ton of pushback from it. I believe he ended up getting banned shortly after.

      • @[email protected]
        43 hours ago

        He used to make “literal movie trailers” and also branched out as a gaming YouTuber but then was ‘exposed’ by a former girlfriend who accused of him being on drugs, abusive, and a rapist. This was picked up by a lot of people and YouTubers who’ve associated with Toby gave their opinions on the matter. Which most gave the answer of “maybe”. They essentially confirmed that tobuscus is not as good as a guy as they might think. That he may or may not be a rapist but is pretty sketchy otherwise. Killed his sponsors and viewers.

        (I stole most of this comment from trying not to plagiarise but also I didn’t remember well enough what happened lol)

  • @[email protected]
    23 hours ago

    I ended up watching a AvE video after a long while (one where he’s making a socket for TTC) it was bittersweet, I used to love his content

    • Badabinski
      111 minutes ago

      Same, I’m pretty bitter about him. Like, I figured we’d have different political views but he didn’t seem like a nutter beyond him being completely off his fucking rocker. He had interesting videos, he was quotable as hell, and some of his stuff was quite informative.

      I’m quite sad that things turned out the way they did. I can’t watch his stuff anymore because I don’t want to get flashbanged by crazy.

  • @TwoBeeSan
    3 hours ago

    Fuck youtube let’s go back to radio shows.

    Let me tell you the opie and Anthony fable.

    Once upon a time there were a couple guys who wanted to be like stern. They had good connections in the new York comedy world via their co host Jim norton so their show became a haven for comedy. Early louie ck, Patrice o Neal, Colin quin, bill burr, all the guys that came up together.

    Then… drama. Anthony cumia goes down the rabbit hole of his prexisting racism. Opie becomes somehow more insufferable and Jim Norton is there I guess because he loves a good coat tail.

    Around when their show fell apart the fan subreddit turned completely to being nothing but hate and trolling of these b list former radio celebrities. I’ve never seen anything like it.

    There were a lot of funny and talented people shitposting on there. They’d trick news outlets to saying terrorist attacks were made by “antwan kumia”. Relentlessly troll their socials and brigade other communities until they got banned.

    This is actually where Gavin put that stuff in his ass on cam. Compound media. Anthony cumias racist podcast network lmfao. I still subscribe because I don’t think I’ll find out anywhere else when he dies.

    RIP funniest and most toxic place on internet. My life became better once I stopped reading and posting, but do miss it.

    • Rhynoplaz
      12 hours ago

      I used to listen to those guys in my car all the time. Sounds like shit fell apart hard!

  • CaptainBasculin
    24 hours ago

    MaximillianMus. While he is a troll who makes content revolving around being toxic; he definetly didn’t deserve all the hate and pedophile accusations. Even now a lot of people mistakenly believe he is one.

  • @makeshiftreaper
    85 hours ago

    JonTron got too big for his britches, fucked off of GameGrumps and then on a podcast popped off the “50% of crimes are committed by 13% of the population” horseshit and then kept doubling down on it, now he makes just garbage tier reaction videos like once every 6 months

    Similarly RubberRoss’ cosplayer wife cheated on him with ProJared in what may have been the most pathetic public cuckoldry since Hogan famously belched “I can’t fuck brother! I ate too much sushi” so Holly and Jared both fell apart after that

    I don’t know if he counts as a YouTuber because he got canceled on twitch and moved to YouTube but Dr Disrespect live streamed himself at TwitchCon including going into the public restroom where there were minors present. Which is a bad look but could maybe be seen as an accident if it didn’t also come out that he was actively cheating on his wife, whom he had a child with, with women he was meeting with from Twitch. It was all a bit too much and his platform collapsed while he also started firing off lawsuits in multiple directions

    • Badabinski
      13 minutes ago

      I think shit went down with h3h3 around that same time. I gave up on them after they bought hard into gamergate and making irritating anti-feminist content. I’ve avoided them like the plague, but I know they had uh, a definite shift rightwards.

    • @TwoBeeSan
      12 hours ago

      Oh god how could he top hogan. Literally getting cucked by a man named Bubba the love sponge.

      That’s horrible lmao

  • @Retro_unlimited
    85 hours ago

    SSSniperwolf. All I know is she steals people videos, does dumb reactions, and gets tons of views. She does not have the rights to use those videos, but profits so much off others work. I do not think she even links to the sources. (I could be wrong)

  • @Blue_Morpho
    5 hours ago

    Did you link the wrong video about Rick Beato? The video (I only watched part of it) was an overview of his videos being taken down by YouTube; sometimes against the wishes of the artists themselves.

    I don’t think Rick Beato’s constant rants about YouTube’s takedown policy make him a bad person.

    • @brutallyhonestcriticOP
      15 hours ago

      I posted the wrong vid. I stopped watching him because

      • he’s an out of touch old dude
      • he is an absuive Dad, forcing his kid to play an instrument that he isn’t interested in.
      • @Blue_Morpho
        3 hours ago

        Rick Beato: abusive to his kid

        I tried to find a source but it all seems to be memes in the music community because his videos are click baity and his books/lessons aren’t good.

        Some of the abuse comments are obvious jokes, “He dyed his son’s hair white and makes him play the oboe.”

    • @brutallyhonestcriticOP
      5 hours ago

      To prevent others from visiting that shithole website:

      I think we all know at this point what happened to Gus. To summarize, Gus Johnson was at one point like the golden boy of YouTube, as a comedian who made short form skits which often would break into tens of millions of views per video. If you weren’t there for his prime, it was insane. Him and his best friend Eddy Burback, who moved from Chicago specifically to live with him, and their podcast, were also defining periods of the commentary craze of the late 2010s.

      In August/September 2021, Gus Johnson broke up with his girlfriend Abelina Sabrina, with both sides stating on twitter that it was mutual. In October 2021 however, shortly after the breakup, Sabrina made a video on her channel alleging emotional abuse from an ex boyfriend years prior who had taken advantage of a near fatal ectopic pregnancy she had underwent to manipulate her. These included tidbits such as the ex arguing with doctors and medical professionals to not provide her medical service, forcing her to get an abortion in the earlier stages even though she had wanted to keep the baby, and probably most famously and disgustingly, going to drink and get wasted at a bar with friends while Sabrina had a life threatening medical operation to remove the fetus. Right after the videos release, many speculated on the identity of the aforementioned ex-boyfriend, universally settling on Gus Johnson. While initially ignored by Sabrina, she would end up liking tweets accusing him, and eventually came out and confirmed that Gus was the boyfriend. As a result, Eddy Burback publicly distanced himself from Gus, and the podcast was cancelled. Gus would release an apology video that was widely panned, and then go into hiding for a few months, before resurfacing in his first public appearance of 2022 on the stream of the controversial PaymoneyWubby. In contrast, Gus was much more defensive, retracting his apology and sharing his side of the story. While this was initially seen as controversial, spawning from a video response from Nickisnotgreen, the whole dispute eventually died down. Now, Gus is really struggling popularity wise, with constant viewer decline, and a polarizing image that he has not escaped from.

      So, what has happened since the PaymoneyWubby stream? It’s so bizarre that a figure of Gus’ size (4 million subscribers at his prime), who had such a meteoric downfall, just got forgotten about like that. In contrast, his former collaborator Eddy Burback has garnered pretty impressive popularity after leaving the podcast. I remember when he had like twenty thousand subscribers. I just have not heard about Gus in a hot minute. That was the most painful online controversy I can remember. “Boys support boys” was always a very wholesome brand he created, and it seemed like his actions had just betrayed everything he stood for.

      • @roofuskit
        5 hours ago

        I don’t know anything about any of these people. The only thing I want to comment on here, was it an ectopic pregnancy, or was she forced by him to get an abortion? Because I’m not sure you can fault someone for not wanting their partner to die. If it was really ectopic, keeping it would be a death sentence.

        So is he an asshole who forced her to get an abortion? Or did he push her to not end her life for a pregnancy that could never be viable?