Interesting topic. Are eo really law ?

  • @[email protected]OPM
    118 hours ago

    States don’t pay federal taxes. The people in the state pay taxes to the federal government.

    As such they cant refuse not to pay taxes to the federal government. They never have that money to hold.

    • @HorreC
      17 hours ago

      They pay because they are supposed too, if the state challenges that as there is supposed to be a benefit to being part of the union they could tell the payment processors its ok not to pay that money from our state until this is settled, you know there are numbers these biz’s have to give to say this is the amount from corp/person X Y Z, just put a 0 there. Now weather each corp or person would ask for that to happen is on them. But I know there are many facebook groups out there trying to be sovcits and tax dodging is a rich/corp game, I would see if there isnt a few that do.