Just some additional advertising for todays boycott.

  • kokope11i
    44 hours ago

    First I’ve seen extending this to restaurants. That seems a bit much. Most restaurants around me are small businesses. Not cool for the folks trying to keep a single place afloat.

      • @[email protected]
        46 minutes ago

        And if you go to a locally owned restaurant, pay with cash. Fuck visa/mc/banks and their merchant fees.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      Small business owners are for the most part Republicans and are a large reason trump got elected. They may have closer ties to the community but fundamentally they still are capitalists and will vote for and support monetarily the party that cuts regulations and taxes. Restaurant owners, big and small, are the backbone of the campaign to stop minimum wage increases. They need to know, just as much as the big business owners, that austerity like this has consequences.

      If you want to support the staff, which may struggle through this, buy the cheapest thing on the menu and leave a huge tip.

      • @SLVRDRGN
        12 hours ago

        “small business owners are for the most part Republicans”


        • @[email protected]
          28 minutes ago

          It’s true, according to this poll, three times as many support Republicans over Joe biden. If you’re looking at it from an economic view, you as a small business owner stand to gain when regulations are cut, and wages, taxes, and labor standards are lowered. Some of them have moral proclivities that push them towards democrats, but most just look at the bottom line and vote republican.

          People like to romanticize and sympathize with small business owners, especially in america, but their politics don’t actually differ that much from their big business counterparts.