I’m no expert, but I think most (all?) grubs are a stage of beetle development. Beetle lays eggs, eggs hatch into grubs, sometimes they go through a couple larger grub stages, grub becomes pupa, pupa becomes beetle.
I think the ones like that become June bugs or similar.
Some kind of scarab beetle, like a june bug?
I don’t know. I’ve only ever know them to be called lawn grubs and never thought about it. What you suggest sounds right.
I’m no expert, but I think most (all?) grubs are a stage of beetle development. Beetle lays eggs, eggs hatch into grubs, sometimes they go through a couple larger grub stages, grub becomes pupa, pupa becomes beetle.
I think the ones like that become June bugs or similar.
That is a much better though than I had.
I was over here like, wtf, did you just defile that grub by shoving a bullet in it’s butt, uhhh head? I know nothing about grubs lol.
Glad to know it’s not that.