
I’m writing this on the eve of Ontario’s 2025 election. I know that this is unfortunately another election that is not held under a proportional representation (PR) electoral system.

I am just an ordinary Canadian citizen – I don’t consider myself an activist, yet I can recognize an unfair and abusive system.

But now is not the time to let pessimism dissuade us from the democracy we deserve. With Duverger’s Law (i.e., in non-PR electoral systems, a trend towards a two-parties), we are running out of time to act. Canada’s 2021 effective number of parties is 2.76 - this number will decrease over time, and will eventually end Canadian democracy as we know it today.

I’m not writing this to get donation money (although here is the Fair Vote Canada donation site), but this is just the reality with live with and the future we are fighting for.

Proposed 2025 objective

While I love a good, yeasty, loaf of bread 🍞, [email protected] has 638 subscribers, which is 144.4% more than our 261. I suppose you could say I’m jealous.

Next steps

Before the end of March 2025, please comment on whether:

  • this is a good objective to have
  • if it’s not a good objective, what other objectives should we pursue
  • Ideas on how to achieve our objectives
  • @[email protected]OPM
    17 hours ago

    Potential Goals:

    1. Enforce posting standards such as language labelling on new posts (but perhaps not comments). We want to be a bilingual community, supporting both anglophones and francophones.
    2. At least 1 post for each official language per week.
    3. Growth of >= 1 subscriber per day in 2025. Possibly monetary incentive, for example, if there’s +1 local subscriber -> $1 (and $0.90 for subscribers otherwise) for Fair Vote Canada.
    4. Diversifying supply of sources. While Fair Vote Canada is an easy choice, we should seek exposure to other movements such as the Charter Challenge for Fair Voting or Apathy is Boring.
    5. Self-sustaining community. Currently, it’s mostly moderators that are posting. But we are people too…