Joanne’s is closing, but small crafting/yarn stores. The goal is to look confused but enthusiastic near the older ladies. Befriend them and they will guide you further on your quest - they have daughters/granddaughters/etc they might want to play matchmaker for lol. Hand sewing and embroidery are both things that are very easy to start learning, but hard to master if you want an “in.” Talking to the older women will also avoid that “this guy is just talking to me to get into my pants” vibe that’ll scare women off.
Like cis men are sleeping on crafting classes. Go to a pottery night or something. If I wasn’t a raging homosexual, I’d have pulled half the women at the felting class I took.
When I was ~14 my mom wanted me to take on baby sitting as a side gig to make some extra money. She made me take a CPR class so I could get certified by the red cross and that would make parents feel a bit better about me watching their kids. That class was exclusively teenage girls aside from me. I actually ended up eating a girl I met in that class for awhile lol.
I have absolutely zero interest in learning to sew or do embroidery, but I do enjoy working with my hands. Maybe I’ll take some adult woodworking classes or something. Probably less women at those things but maybe I’ll make a new friend. Who knows.
Any type of adult learning class I’ve been to has been great. It’s fun to learn that the library has like a free “how to make your own kombucha” class and see what kinds of people you can meet.
Joanne’s is closing, but small crafting/yarn stores. The goal is to look confused but enthusiastic near the older ladies. Befriend them and they will guide you further on your quest - they have daughters/granddaughters/etc they might want to play matchmaker for lol. Hand sewing and embroidery are both things that are very easy to start learning, but hard to master if you want an “in.” Talking to the older women will also avoid that “this guy is just talking to me to get into my pants” vibe that’ll scare women off.
Like cis men are sleeping on crafting classes. Go to a pottery night or something. If I wasn’t a raging homosexual, I’d have pulled half the women at the felting class I took.
When I was ~14 my mom wanted me to take on baby sitting as a side gig to make some extra money. She made me take a CPR class so I could get certified by the red cross and that would make parents feel a bit better about me watching their kids. That class was exclusively teenage girls aside from me. I actually ended up eating a girl I met in that class for awhile lol.
I have absolutely zero interest in learning to sew or do embroidery, but I do enjoy working with my hands. Maybe I’ll take some adult woodworking classes or something. Probably less women at those things but maybe I’ll make a new friend. Who knows.
Any type of adult learning class I’ve been to has been great. It’s fun to learn that the library has like a free “how to make your own kombucha” class and see what kinds of people you can meet.