So according to wikipedia, the US banned lead paint in 1977, while Europe didn’t implement such a ban until 2003 (though some EU countries had such laws before 2003). Additionally several countries are just now beginning to ban lead paints (Turkey, Ukraine, and Georgia didn’t implement bans in after 2020).
Lead paint is fairly low on the scale, though obviously not great; leaded gasoline puts much more lead into the human body. Leaded gasoline was banned in both the US and EU in the 1990s.
So according to wikipedia, the US banned lead paint in 1977, while Europe didn’t implement such a ban until 2003 (though some EU countries had such laws before 2003). Additionally several countries are just now beginning to ban lead paints (Turkey, Ukraine, and Georgia didn’t implement bans in after 2020).
While catchy, this argument feels tired.
Lead paint is fairly low on the scale, though obviously not great; leaded gasoline puts much more lead into the human body. Leaded gasoline was banned in both the US and EU in the 1990s.
Iirc the argument wasn’t about paint so much as leaded gasoline, which gets in the environment and exposes everyone to high levels of lead.