My understanding is that this only confuses birds. Birds recognize others based on plumage, and it takes them a while to realize that there isn’t a bazillion different humans in their home, just one that changes colors all the time.
I had chickens for a while, and had one particular chicken that was really affectionate towards me (called her Roberta Flock). When I shaved my head she ran from me like she would from everyone else. Took like a week before she realized she could trust me. I think in her mind her friend died and a stranger moved in the same day
No, my budgie could always recognise me, even when I wore a hat or a mask or coloured my hair shocking pink. At the beginning he didn’t like when I wore stripes though.
He was scared of anyone else (except one of my sisters, even though he rarely saw her) until he got to know them. I don’t know if he was going by my voice or what.
The garden birds recognised me by my clothes though. I had hand tamed a bird with mealworms, and he’d ambush me every time I went into the garden. And my mum got ambushed once when she was dressed similarly to me.
I would imagine Crows still take longer to recognize a human than another bird, but you are right. Crows are known to not only create bonds with humans, but also hold grudges. They will play pranks or outright terrorize asshole humans
My understanding is that this only confuses birds. Birds recognize others based on plumage, and it takes them a while to realize that there isn’t a bazillion different humans in their home, just one that changes colors all the time.
Hats do this for chickens
I had chickens for a while, and had one particular chicken that was really affectionate towards me (called her Roberta Flock). When I shaved my head she ran from me like she would from everyone else. Took like a week before she realized she could trust me. I think in her mind her friend died and a stranger moved in the same day
No, my budgie could always recognise me, even when I wore a hat or a mask or coloured my hair shocking pink. At the beginning he didn’t like when I wore stripes though.
He was scared of anyone else (except one of my sisters, even though he rarely saw her) until he got to know them. I don’t know if he was going by my voice or what.
The garden birds recognised me by my clothes though. I had hand tamed a bird with mealworms, and he’d ambush me every time I went into the garden. And my mum got ambushed once when she was dressed similarly to me.
Except for crows.
The neighborhood asshole crow knows exactly who old man Willard is and attacks on sight.
I would imagine Crows still take longer to recognize a human than another bird, but you are right. Crows are known to not only create bonds with humans, but also hold grudges. They will play pranks or outright terrorize asshole humans