What conservatives don’t understand is we know you’re full of shit because you raised us. You idealize about a time that never was and we know it because we watched it destroy you. We were all raised in broken homes because you broke them. We watched the war on drugs destroy our neighborhoods because you were the ones who were xenophobic. We know this is all fantasy because we watched you fail and we don’t want that for ourselves or anyone.

So please. Keep your fetishes in the bed room.

    • Dr. Wesker
      12 days ago

      I don’t recall my father’s take away, but we lived in a trailer in the woods, shopped at Ross, and couldn’t take vacations.

      • @ClinicallydepressedpoochieOP
        2 days ago

        Just because my previous comment was removed:

        This is not the the fetishized idea of america conservatives get off on. While your life experience is valid it does not represent what this picture is depicting.

        • Dr. Wesker
          12 days ago

          …I’d try to get this conversation back on track, but I don’t even care.

            • Maeve
              52 days ago

              Hey, I feel your pain through the screen. Maybe lashing out at each other, trying to “own” (what horrible connotations!) each other is what got us here. I’m so sorry and have definitely been where you are, emotionally, for way too long. We can’t really control others. We can manage ourselves and our own emotions, though.

              I was gifted these cards a couple of months ago by Caroline Myss, Archetype Cards. They have several archetypes in light and dark aspects, things we keep hidden from ourselves, about ourselves, and several blank to name the shadow archetypes within ourselves and a little booklet to help us do the work on ourselves. Maybe you have a used bookstore nearby you could see if they have any or post on Craigslist or something for a set, or if you have a birthday coming could ask to be gifted them when friends ask, like, “could you chip in”?

              The thing about shadow work - it’s painful and messy and works best if you can do it when you’re feeling those awful feelings, which isn’t always possible. At least try to take time off screen to get the best rest you can, and try to get as balanced nutrition you can afford. I got 5 lbs of potatoes for $3, a small bag of baby carrots for $2.50 and a pound of frozen green beans for $1.25 at Dollar Tree (full of Steve and strings, but workable), and cooked then today in left over chicken broth from chicken I stewed earlier this week, and tossed in leftover chicken $6/5 lbs). I have leftovers for tomorrow and another container in the freezer for another day, plus gifted a neighbor s pint container. I know prices very wildly, but I live in a food desert, so a week’s with of meals, plus a pint to gift for about $20. My friend gifted me some small sweet potatoes from church, so I look forward to those, upcoming.

              • @Agrivar
                32 days ago

                Smart move. Some people can not move past their trauma and just lash out, but with Poochie it seems to be next level.

                • Maeve
                  22 days ago

                  Maybe if we stopped trying to trigger each other and help each other heal, we can get on with more serious business of healing, ourselves and each other, while also focusing on building a better nation, that’s stronger because we govern ourselves and mind our own business, not trying to govern others, individuals or nations.

              • Maeve
                32 days ago

                This is what the kleptocrats want. We’re not each others’ obstacle. We need to come together.

                • Dr. Wesker
                  2 days ago

                  I have no qualm curating my experience here. However, this was indeed my initial mistake, engaging in the first place.

                  • Maeve
                    32 days ago

                    I almost blocked you, once. Then I thought, “but they have so much of value to offer not the few comments I’ve seen that irked me.” Before my attitude shift. United we stand, divided we fall.