Last night I had a dream of a song I even know its title it’s called “Another song to a brighter world”, it’s about a person telling another person who is stuck on a depressing present moving on to a brighter future, I faintly remembered some the lyrics it goes “or is it you here for me waiting for a brighter future” “you was there I was here”, this is all I can remembered it has a lot more lyric than this. PS: it’s not between 2 humans interaction, the one that is not depressed is human but the singer’s perspective is not, they’re a sea creature that look like human (not mermaid) stuck on a human port town by the sea trying to fit in with everyone else.

  • go $fsck yourself
    -14 days ago

    The thing about dreams is that not everything is so detailed. Often times your brain literally just imagines the idea of “a song that sounds nice” and maybe fills in small bits and pieces of detail, but the song was never fully imagined just the concept that it sounded nice. It can even do so retroactively after your brain moved on from that part of the dream, which sometimes happens in the brief moment as you wake up while you’re still between asleep and awake.

    The brain is weird, yo.