• @[email protected]
    14 days ago

    pro-lifers are misogynists who want to ban abortion because banning it will hurt women and because they want to make the country more like The Handmaid’s Tale.

    Are we just going to ignore the fact that this one is actually true though? Like, look at what the right is doing in the US…

    Or do you mean this isn’t accurate because the right actually wants to ban abortion as a way to control women and keep them under their thumbs (like trying to ban no fault divorce) by removing as much agency as they can?

    • @MrGeekman
      14 days ago

      I actually know pro-lifers. I used to be a pretty ardent one myself. I used to be the sort that believed in no exceptions. Pro-lifers, or a least, a lot of them, don’t see it as a means of controlling women or being detrimental in any way to them. They think they’re helping the unborn and women by preventing abortions. They really do believe that. I’m sorry that you never got to meet any pro-lifers, or at least ones who aren’t misogynistic.

      • @[email protected]
        14 days ago

        Bruh, I’ve known plenty of pro-lifers, and grew up in a very pro-lifers area. I’m seeing on the national level what pro-lifers want, and you would too if you actually paid attention.

        Congrats on being the minority that isn’t completely fucked in the head, though. And I mean that with 100% sincerity. But you haven’t met enough pro-lifers if you think you’re in the majority.