There’s plant of people that have flowered with and for him that say he’s a huge asshole.
What? I’m really trying to understand, but you’re making it pretty difficult.
Just look him up.
It’s clear that you have no evidence or you wouldn’t keep telling me to do the research to find the evidence that supports your claims. I’m not sure why you think I care so much about this when you don’t even care enough to cite a single source. It’s not my job to prove you right here.
There’s really nothing unbelievable to me about his hecklers except for maybe the sheer quantity, but I’m not a comedian so maybe this isn’t actually so extreme. Maybe if I did 300 shows per year and filmed all of them, I’d have a similar trove, especially if tickets were relatively cheap and I had a reputation for being “that guy who owns hecklers”. I bet the truth is that he doesn’t plant hecklers, but every interaction with one is more content for the content farm, so he’s not actively interested in dissuading hecklers from being a problem. I’ve seen a video or two where it seemed like he was provoking somebody a little because they were quietly talking or not paying attention during the show, so by initiating over a minor thing I think he was inviting a real interruption. I don’t think he plants, but I think he welcomes drama. Maybe that’s not cool, but idk, it’s pretty much impossible to be a successful content creator without resorting to hooks or clickbait or elevating energies.
If you have proof, bring that bombshell to a journalist. If you don’t have proof and you just don’t like the guy, stop watching him.
Thanks for doing the legwork. That was a good read. It makes a lot of sense now that I see real numbers. It even makes sense that he’s pretty confrontational to establish that he won’t put up with it. Real teacher energy there lol, and I think I’ve heard him say that he was a teacher earlier in his life.
I’m glad I didn’t just outright believe that claim about plants. I was trying to be open minded if there were any credible bits of evidence to prove otherwise, but I really didn’t have any reason to believe he used plants until I saw that accusation. How fucking silly to say such a thing with absolutely nothing to back it up and keep saying “look it up.” Well you looked it up and found a reasonable explanation from the man himself lol. Thanks :)
It’s plain as day that no comedian in the world gets heckled at that frequency. That alone is enough to tell you something is up.
But there’s also tons of write-ups people have made that have worked with/for him to illustrate that he’s a huge asshole that would do that.
I’m not going to die on this hill though. I honestly don’t know why people go to such extremes to argue against someone opinions. I don’t care if or that you like this dude.
Source? Unless you can prove otherwise, I think I’m ready to call you a goddamn liar. I don’t think you’re qualified to say what a reasonable frequency of hecklers is, and you keep implying that there’s evidence but I’m not sure you’ve even seen any yourself. And if there are “tons of write-ups” on this, how do you know that they’re not just coming from people making shit up to try to destroy his career? This is why a source matters. The guy tours with the same group of people all the time. Did one of them do one of these “write-ups”? Or was it maybe one of his hecklers who was pissed off that they got tossed from one of his shows and so they wanted vengeance? Or a bitter ex? Just some hateful stranger who doesn’t like his face? Who?
I honestly don’t care what you think of my opinion on this. I’d suggest you take a moment and realize how bent out of shape you’re getting about this and just let it go.
Words have meaning. You’re accusing him of something pretty egregious and offering no evidence. You’re trying to cancel him because of how you feel, but facts don’t care about your feelings. And now you’re trying to convince yourself that I’m the one who took this too far just for questioning your claims instead of just believing you. I think you need to take some time and really think about why you are the way that you are and see what you can do to be a more pleasant person instead of being so upset and cynical. Get some sunlight and bump up those vitamin d numbers or something, dude.
Seriously though, is there a better way for me to illustrate to you that I don’t care? Because I would think that anyone capable of understanding this would have just walked away the first time I said it.
It’s become no surprise to me at this point that you would find yourself believing that planted people in a barrage of heckle videos are legit.
Now go ahead and get your last word in- it seems to be vitally important to you. I promise not to interfere!
What? I’m really trying to understand, but you’re making it pretty difficult.
It’s clear that you have no evidence or you wouldn’t keep telling me to do the research to find the evidence that supports your claims. I’m not sure why you think I care so much about this when you don’t even care enough to cite a single source. It’s not my job to prove you right here.
There’s really nothing unbelievable to me about his hecklers except for maybe the sheer quantity, but I’m not a comedian so maybe this isn’t actually so extreme. Maybe if I did 300 shows per year and filmed all of them, I’d have a similar trove, especially if tickets were relatively cheap and I had a reputation for being “that guy who owns hecklers”. I bet the truth is that he doesn’t plant hecklers, but every interaction with one is more content for the content farm, so he’s not actively interested in dissuading hecklers from being a problem. I’ve seen a video or two where it seemed like he was provoking somebody a little because they were quietly talking or not paying attention during the show, so by initiating over a minor thing I think he was inviting a real interruption. I don’t think he plants, but I think he welcomes drama. Maybe that’s not cool, but idk, it’s pretty much impossible to be a successful content creator without resorting to hooks or clickbait or elevating energies.
If you have proof, bring that bombshell to a journalist. If you don’t have proof and you just don’t like the guy, stop watching him.
The quantity of hecklers we see actually makes complete sense based on what he said in this 8-year old reddit thread.
Thanks for doing the legwork. That was a good read. It makes a lot of sense now that I see real numbers. It even makes sense that he’s pretty confrontational to establish that he won’t put up with it. Real teacher energy there lol, and I think I’ve heard him say that he was a teacher earlier in his life.
I’m glad I didn’t just outright believe that claim about plants. I was trying to be open minded if there were any credible bits of evidence to prove otherwise, but I really didn’t have any reason to believe he used plants until I saw that accusation. How fucking silly to say such a thing with absolutely nothing to back it up and keep saying “look it up.” Well you looked it up and found a reasonable explanation from the man himself lol. Thanks :)
It’s plain as day that no comedian in the world gets heckled at that frequency. That alone is enough to tell you something is up.
But there’s also tons of write-ups people have made that have worked with/for him to illustrate that he’s a huge asshole that would do that.
I’m not going to die on this hill though. I honestly don’t know why people go to such extremes to argue against someone opinions. I don’t care if or that you like this dude.
Source? Unless you can prove otherwise, I think I’m ready to call you a goddamn liar. I don’t think you’re qualified to say what a reasonable frequency of hecklers is, and you keep implying that there’s evidence but I’m not sure you’ve even seen any yourself. And if there are “tons of write-ups” on this, how do you know that they’re not just coming from people making shit up to try to destroy his career? This is why a source matters. The guy tours with the same group of people all the time. Did one of them do one of these “write-ups”? Or was it maybe one of his hecklers who was pissed off that they got tossed from one of his shows and so they wanted vengeance? Or a bitter ex? Just some hateful stranger who doesn’t like his face? Who?
I honestly don’t care what you think of my opinion on this. I’d suggest you take a moment and realize how bent out of shape you’re getting about this and just let it go.
Words have meaning. You’re accusing him of something pretty egregious and offering no evidence. You’re trying to cancel him because of how you feel, but facts don’t care about your feelings. And now you’re trying to convince yourself that I’m the one who took this too far just for questioning your claims instead of just believing you. I think you need to take some time and really think about why you are the way that you are and see what you can do to be a more pleasant person instead of being so upset and cynical. Get some sunlight and bump up those vitamin d numbers or something, dude.
Yeah- I didn’t read any of that.
Seriously though, is there a better way for me to illustrate to you that I don’t care? Because I would think that anyone capable of understanding this would have just walked away the first time I said it.
It’s become no surprise to me at this point that you would find yourself believing that planted people in a barrage of heckle videos are legit.
Now go ahead and get your last word in- it seems to be vitally important to you. I promise not to interfere!
lol k