
People should be allowed to exist

Social programs aren’t communism

The system isn’t working for the people


I’ve changed my mind on this.

Let the DNC go full MAGA and when they lose, because they will lose, they get the heat and we can eject them forever. At least sit them in a corner.

Progressives, you fight if you want but I don’t believe the elections will be fair so it’s a win win for you.

  • @finitebanjo
    15 hours ago

    Thing is, though, if you elect even these guys, who supposedly exist because trust them bro, they’ll still vote for your policy stances the majority of the time as they always have.

    If you vote for a Republican, or if you vote fringe group candidate or don’t vote at all, the Republican might show up at your house at night and break in through the tiny bathroom window before tangling all of your appliance cords together and whacking you with the bundle of appliances while you lay in bed before pulling out a razor an assailing you while you’re confusedly trying to fight your way out of a bundle of appliances, carving their names into your stomach while they yell out strange cow-wrangling sounds and various slurs which may or may not apply to your ethnicity. Then they’ll call you a slut who was begging for it with the way you dress and the method you use to pay utilities, before taking money out of your wallet to buy cocaine with and leaving as the police enter to coerce you into silence.

    And also 79 Million people will lose medical coverage and all of the elderly become homeless, but mostly just that first thing I said.

    • tiredofsametab
      715 hours ago

      The district I vote in is heavily gerrymandered and it really does not matter who I vote for at all for some positions. Many local positions have had only various flavors of republican and independents even run and, in spite of living overseas, I dutifully combed the internet to find out which of them was least extreme for local positions (surprisingly difficult, made more annoying by many of the state’s sites blocking overseas IPs and some candidates having basically no web presence).

      I have no idea when the last time a non-republican filled any of the roles at all. I have, for many elections, voted blue no matter who. I still mostly plan to do that, but anyone subscribing to the philosophy of cutting off the “extreme” left and ragging things more right can fuck right off. Not, as I said, that it will matter since the republicans will win the area by double-digit percentages every time.