As title suggests, in your opinion what are some of the best recipes you know that have good leftovers?

We hate cooking everyday, and love when there are leftovers, especially tasty leftovers. What dishes in your recipe book lend themselves to tasty, easy to reheat leftover meals?

Cottage pie is probably the one I can think of that is dominant in our household. Cheap and tastes almost the same reheated.

  • Canopyflyer
    16 hours ago

    Chili (I modified the “Joy of Cooking’s” McCleod chili recipe with fresh chilis and roasted red peppers)

    Julia Child La Beouf Bourguignon (This actually gets better the longer it sits in the fridge).

    Baked Ziti (Cooks Illustrated)

    Chicken Tinga (Bon Appetite recipe)